First pic is sunset in Fish Creek. Cool little town, could have stayed a few days. Nice marina and lots of restaurants and shopping. Went to a trendy little spot, Mr Helsinki's which had Asian flair food and a great wine list. Upstairs of one of the clothing stores...really out of the way but very busy and VERY good. But off to Sister Bay on Tuesday it is.....
OK so it took us from 11AM to 5PM to move 8 or 9 miles....Horshoe Island looked too inviting so we just anchored out. Second pic is Sum Escape at anchor on NW corner of the island. Took a dinghy ride around the island, sunned ourselves, had a great lunch and stayed out on the sunpad as the black flies were swarming in the cockpit out of the wind. Wandered into the marina around 5.
Sister Bay is very nice as well. Went to the Mission Grill restaurant last night and had a wonderful prime rib and nice bottle of cab. Made for a long walk back to the boat! Weather has been fantastic the entire trip thus far. Now we are just praying for a safe and smooth crossing tomorrow.
Walked up the hill to the Piggly Wiggly grocery store this morning. Out of tonic water.....can't have that! Got a few veggies, fruits and milk while we were there as well.
Hope to be in Leland late Thurs. Then wander our way home....oh we wish we could do this another week! But only three days of work and then back on board with all our children to cruise to Chicago DuSable Harbor for the Independence Day Eve fireworks extravaganza! Are diesel future up already based on our travels????
For all you boaters out there, we have traveled about 260 miles and are getting around 3/4 MPG. It doesn't make a lot of difference in economy from about 25-30MPH and the diesels just purr at 90% throttle (about 30.5MPH). We can get about .8 MPG if we move at 24 or so. But I do not find the time spent to be worth the little difference. We've been averaging about 27-28 most of the time.
I am sitting on board looking WNW toward the Sister Islands as I write this. Flat calm with a SE wind at present....may have to go anchor out again......or at least take a little dinghy ride. May take the dinghy to a little restaurant up the coast a mile or so tonight. Or walk up the hill...or...we don't need to make decisions!!!!!
See you all soon. Wish you could all experience this. Absolutely perfect......
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