So we have been remiss in posting a recap of the wonderful trip we took to the North Channel. Just too busy at work etc. to get it done! So here is a recap of each stop and the highlights of each. We will post pics and descriptions at bottom of post.
-Left Grand Haven on Sunday June 21 and arrived in Harbor Springs around 3PM. Flat calm the entire way. Brett picked Tom up to deliver him back to Hudsonville to work 3 days. Julie stayed and Tom joined her after work on Wed the 24. Great weather...Hot!...beach everyday. Good shopping! Julie walked up the hill to the IGA everyday as part of her exercise routine. Very nice place to spend a few days.
-Left Harbor Springs on Thursday June 25th. Arrived in DeTour early afternoon. Again, flat calm except for a few 1 footers here and there. Refueled, shopped, recognized that we are now officially on vacation!!!! Freighters travelling by quite often (see previous post). Almost in Canada now!
-Left DeTour on Friday the 26th, again very calm seas. Checked in with Canadian authorities in Blind River and on advice of dock hands, went to Turnbull Island. Awesome...see previous post for more on this wonderful spot.
-Too nice at Turnbull to only stay one day so left in the rain on Sunday the 28th around noon, arriving in Beardrop Harbor early afternoon. Sun came out as we entered Beardrop and we had a great day dinghying around. (Again pics on previous post)
-Left for Little Current on Monday around 10AM. Arrived a little after 1PM. Bought our only Canadian fuel ($3.83 per gallon) of the trip at Wally's Dock Services. Be sure to see the pic of the sign below!! Great spot along the wall. Woke up in the morning and a large cruise ship had docked behind us early in the morning....again, you have to see the pic below to appreciate! Only 1500 residents in this town and it is the largest on Manitoulin Island!! Nice spot to walk around and shop but one day is plenty.

-Left for Baie Fine on Tuesday the 30th and upon arrival found Mary Ann Cove unoccupied!!! The guide book says this never happens! Again left in calm conditions and the sun came out upon our arrival in Mary Ann Cove. Charts show it as 5 feet but everywhere we went it was 12-14+ feet deep. The Port Guide book was right, what a great spot! We took a spot where we could tie the stern to a tree and decided this was a great two night location. Kilarney will now be scratched from the itinerary! Swam, laid in the sun, had a beverage or this is truly vacation! On Canada Day, we had a cloudy and cold day so we put on some layers and took a 7 mile dinghy ride to "The Pool" at the end of Baie Fine. We had heard it was pretty but tough to anchor in due to weeds. We later found out that there are huge turtles as well so the dinghy ride just to see it was the right plan for us. Nice scenery. About 7 boats anchored there. That night we were "hailed" by a sailboat that wanted to use our dinghy to respond to a mayday call from "Island Girl" at the pool area. Long story short, they didn't go but there were a few tense moments listening to the little girl calling the mayday in to the coast guard. In the end we figured out it was a family and the father had too one in the pool area would help as he was beligerent. Ontario Police boat finally arrived around midnight and resolved the issue and the family was OK. Had great campfires in the firepit we found on the top of the rocks. Perfect spot for mosquitos! But the wine and the view were great! Listened to the wildlife fighting in the woods. Hard to believe we need to pull anchor in the morning.....

-Left Mary Ann Cove at 10AM with Julie at the controls so Tom could untie the stern line etc. She definitely has earned her Admiral status! At 10:45 no radar in the rain!!! Restarted computer and reconfigured PC to get it working. Tom wants new electronics!!! At least boats are showing up on the screen as they pass now! As we passed through Little Current there were actually a number of boats tied up there now. The season is now starting! Received a call from Brett saying that his interview with the car dealer went well. We are keeping our fingers crossed that the last one will be off the payroll soon!!
-Arrived at S Benjamin at 1PM....only boat there!! Had lunch, a beer and called Andiamo to let them know we were alone at S Benjamin....never happens!! Reanchored next to the large pink boulders and tied the stern to a rock. 4PM Brett called and said he was now an employed car salesman...OFF THE PAYROLL ON JULY 2!!! We toasted success and took our showers in the lake! This is living!! Julie even made tarts in the convection oven. Champaign and popcorn at the great fire spot on the boulder. Called Nancy and "the people" and wished them a happy thirsty Thursday. Beautiful sunset and only a couple sailboats to share the bay. Friday morning, partly sunny, sailboats left but other power boats are entering due to high winds and large waves. Nice day to stay put. Took a dinghy ride to the cut and over toward Croker Island...what dinghy heaven! Lots more boats on the east side. More boats had arrived when we came back from our exploration....winds were getting stronger and three foot waves were coming into the end of the bay. High wind warning on the marine radio...W winds at 25MPH. Stern line let loose off the rocks due to the wave actiuon so we are now swinging at anchor....but this is OK for weathering the swells coming into the bay.

-July 4 leaving Benjamins at 10:45 AM. Had some three footers on the bow, 11:40 arriving at entrance to Gore Bay. Sun is out. Hail marina with no response. Went to fuel dock and the "kids" were new and did not know how to operate the VHF! Bowed into slip #15 looking toward all the boats out in the bay. At 1:30 the official Canadian Customs B&S (Barb and Sue) showed up to welcome us. Asked if Tom wanted an official note to excuse him from work. Got our "official" paperwork but sure wish that the note would have worked at Spartan! Dinghy ride around the bay to make reservations at Gordons Lodge was next. Made dinner reservations for 8PM. Talked to some sailors (Doug and Flo) from Muskegon on "Learnt", a 52 foot Irwin sailboat. They are on their 5th week away with their three children, having left the minute school was out for the year. They stopped by for a cocktail and told us lots of great stories from their adventure. They slip by Dockers and we hope to meet up with them there later this summer. Dinghyed over to Gordons for our dinner and the lights were off and the door locked!!! The season has not started here yet! Went downtown to a little diner (B&J) and had a friendly server and closed the place up at 9 PM!! Check out the pics below.

-Sunday July 5 Tom took a run/walk to the lighthouse on the point and then got back just in time to serve Julie her breakfast in bed (along with some wild flowers picked during the run....that isn't illegal in Canada is it???). Left Gore Bay at 10 AM and headed toward Drummond Island. It was calm and sunny so we detoured north to W Grant Island. Anchored between Anchor, Bird and W Grant Island. Big bald eagle on its nest on Anchor Island. Had some G&T's and veggies, watched a storm building and left an hour later. Arrived in Drummond Island for US customs and fuel at 3:15 PM. Paid the Homeland Security $27 fee (thank you very much) and were on our way to Mackinaw City. Had three footers dead ahead and slowed somewhat on our approach through the straits. Bowed into slip 78 at Mackinaw City at 6:30 and out to dinner at 8. Turned boat over to Kevin and Debbie on Monday July 6 and went back to work for a few days. Rest of trip will be in next post.